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Training plans for electronics technicians
Based on the requirements of the IHK, we have created an individual training plan for each training occupation. The content structure is based on the requirements of the intermediate and final examinations. It contains all the skills and knowledge specified in the framework plan, divided into manageable training units and projects.
1. Year of training
E01 - Introduction
- Introduction to the company
- Information about the course of the training
- Introduction to the daily work (tools, equipment, etc.)
E02 - General basics
- Fundamentals of electrical engineering
- Soldering simple circuits
- Line types
- Calculating with SI units
- Fundamentals of mechanics
- Filing, drilling, bending, shearing, measuring, threading
- Preparation of technical drawings
- Final project: Building a truck
E03 - Direct current technology
- Ohm’s law
- Digital multimeter + oscilloscope (basics)
- Final project: Development and construction of volt-ampere ohmmeter
E04 - Alternating current technology part A
- Sizes of the alternating current technology
- The alternator
- Complex circuit calculation
E05 - AC technology part B
- Introduction to installation technology
- Line and power calculation
- Network systems and protection devices
- Final project: development and construction
- House installation including access control system
2. Year of training
E06 - Semiconductor technology
- Conductors, non-conductors, semiconductors, rectifiers, transistors, diodes, triac, thyristor, operational amplifiers (basics)
E07 - Digital technology
- Analog & digital quantities
- Basic logical links
- Circuit analysis
- Final project “Traffic light control
E08 - Microcomputer Technology Part A
- Basic elements & technology of microcomputers
- Parallel & serial data transmission
- Bus systems
- Firmware
E09 - Preparation intermediate exam
- Repetition of all topics theory & practice
- Processing of old examination tasks
- Practical preparation for the final exam
E10 - Manufacturing technologies
- Cooperation in all areas of flat module production
- SMD assembly
- Testing & Final Assembly
- Production of connection lines
3. Year of training
E11 - High level training: Microcomputer technology part B
- “Assembler” and “C” (basics)
E12 - High-quality training: Measuring and testing technology
- Specialized training in the field of plant and equipment testing
- DIN VDE 0100-600, Installation of low-voltage systems
- DIN VDE 0105-0100, Operation of electrical installations
- DIN VDE 0701-0702, Testing of electrical equipment
- Final project: Measurement and testing of the Simulated Multi-Family House
E13 - Preparation final exam IHK
- Repetition of all topics theory + practice
- Processing of old examination tasks
- Practical preparation for the final exam part 2